Breakfast of Champions: Fuelling to Win!

Hello, champions! Emily Mardell here, your sports & family dietitian, and I’m thrilled to share a special recipe that’s not only delicious but also a powerhouse of nutrition. Recently, I had the pleasure of joining CTV Morning Live to showcase a recipe that’s perfect for fueling your day, especially if you’re an Edmonton Oilers fan … Read more

On-the-Move Nutrition: Muscle-Up Roll-Ups for Busy Athletes

Life can get pretty hectic, especially for active families and athletes constantly on the move. As a mom of three athletes and family dietitian, I know firsthand how challenging it can be to keep everyone fueled and ready to take on their day. That’s why I’m excited to share a recipe that’s not only quick … Read more

Spring Chicken Sesame Power Bowls

With the popularity of the Sesame Chicken Snack Wraps on last month’s Global News Morning, I new I had to find a way to level up this already amazing recipe. Enter “Spring Chicken Sesame Power Bowls!” You’ve probably already heard me say that nutritious, delicious, quality protein should be present at every meal and snack. … Read more

Spring into Wellness: Growing Healthy Habits

Spring is the perfect opportunity to refresh our food choices and embrace healthier habits. As a Dietitian and busy mom, small, tangible day-to-day steps are essential to meeting my nutrition goals and feeling good about the food I eat and feed my family. Like the seasons, changing revamping eating habits with fresh approaches, colourful meals … Read more

Savoring Every Season: A Year-Round Approach to Mindful Eating

As the hustle and bustle of the holiday season fades into a new year, it’s easy to leave behind not just the festivities but also the healthy habits we may have adopted during this time. That’s why I’m excited to revisit the “S.A.V.O.R” acronym – a reminder that mindful eating is not just for the … Read more

Stuffed Sweet Potatoes On Plate

For the Love of Lunch!

As a dietitian, people often tell me about feeling sluggish and lacking energy in the afternoon, especially around 3pm. One of the possible reasons for this is not ‘fueling’ enough, or in a way that meets their unique needs.

Thai Coconut Curry Chicken Soup Dished

Warm-Up-to-Winter…with Soup! 

When winter calls, so too does the call for our favourite comfort foods and heart-warming food memories. Memories of travel, flavours, food and friends.

Cook Once, Eat Twice: Winter Edition 

Canadians need no reminder to dress for the elements now that colder winter temperatures have settled in. That puffy parka, a pair of waterproof boots, as well as insulated gloves, a comfy scarf and lucky toque are all wardrobe essentials.